, Australia
Resource and Primary Industry Solutions is a progressive Resource Recovery Alliance that is coupling cost saving and innovative Renewable Technology with Water stewardship and Best Land use practice / rehabilitation, to provide value adding solutions to the Resource Industry sector.

We are Currently working with a number of companies in the resource industry to:
Introduce our Concentrated Solar Multi Effects Distillation Technology and other technology such as thermoplastic water storage for various applications.
Cost effectively treat water to a quality higher than municipal standards
Reuse, and recycle water while recovering resources from waste streams
commercialise waste streams
Provide drought resistance to farmers and communities
Create opportunities for coexistence and synergy between stakeholders (e.g. land holder and resource company)

The application of our technology and services can be used for multiple applications, including closed-loop / circular economy water treatment and resource recovery solutions that provide values synergies between community and industry.

We are offering a solution that positively impacts a company's bottom line and is conducive to ongoing growth and increasing Environmental and Social Standards, while presenting new economic opportunities and company assets