
Solve it with Unearthed

Engage the largest community of innovators working on energy and resources challenges.


Get Started Frequently Asked Questions

What can the community do for you?


We have the digital skills and capability you need to transform your organisation.

We help you solve technical challenges, develop internal capability, and identify disruptive threats and opportunities.

Solutions from the Unearthed community are making significant impact on the bottom lines of our industry partners.

We've helped more than 20 of the leading resources and energy companies
solve challenges, connect to digital talent, and drive internal culture change.

  • 1000+ innovators from 62 countries participated
  • 75% reduction in time to targets
  • 37 world class exploration models produced
  • New data science approaches to exploration developed
  • Water use reduced by predicting tailings density
  • More than 750 data science models developed
  • Top team engaged to deploy the solution
  • Significant cost and environmental savings
  • 26 novel solutions generated
  • Diverse solutions from hardware to simulations
  • Solutions from around the world discovered and assessed
  • Top teams engaged in solving problems
  • 1286 novel algorithms developed
  • Zinc recovery accurately predicted 1 hour in advance
  • Algorithms were assessed in real time
  • Best approach determined objectively

"Anglo American is proud to collaborate with Unearthed and explore innovative approaches to Anglo American’s real mining challenges."

Dave Palmer

Head of Technical, Anglo American Metallurgical Coal

"The presentations were amazing. We had some young people that had very limited information about the industry, yet they managed to create some great solutions. I couldn’t be more thrilled about the results of this hackathon."

Michelle Ash

Chief Innovation Officer, Barrick Gold

"Working with Unearthed is a great opportunity to connect with some of the best minds in the technology and data science space."

Karl Stokes

Head of Integrated Operations, Nickel West

"Technology and the usefulness of data is increasing at a faster pace than any one company can keep up with. Hackathons, like our partnership with Unearthed, create a vital link connecting Origin Energy with new ideas, technologies, opportunities and ultimately innovation – helping us deliver energy to our customers and communities."

Felicity Underhill

General Manager, Strategy Execution at Origin Energy

"We recognise that people with no mining or resources experience can bring valuable insights to solving challenges the industry faces. We’re excited to partner with Unearthed... in pursuit of more efficient, effective and safer ways to work."

Graham Reynolds

BHP Billiton Head of Technology WA Iron Ore

"The Hydro Saver online challenge has just ended and was a resounding success. We had 25 teams from over 10 countries competing to devise a method capable of predicting tailing underflow density three hours ahead of time. Newcrest is very proud to be leading the world in leveraging crowd sourcing through this innovative platform, solving highly complex business problems for the mining industry."

Gavin Wood

Chief Information and Digital Officer, Newcrest


A truly global talent pool.

Innovators from more than 40 countries regularly compete to build the best solution to industry challenges.

Map of locations


Identify opportunities across your business. Which challenges are impacting the bottom line?

Scan the market. Which technologies will most affect your operations?


Rank business challenges by impact.

Grow the innovation capability of your teams.


Implement solutions and monitor results.

Embed innovation processes in your business.


Engage community to rapidly prototype solutions.

Identify top talent and technologies.

Designed to deliver significant impact to the bottom line.

Whether engaging deeply with innovators in your region, or globally with the wider community, the right method will get results.


Identify top talent and solutions.


Prototype solutions to your challenges.


Find and engage the most promising startups.


Develop the innovation capability of your teams.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of challenges can the community solve?

Geology, exploration targeting, predictive maintenance, plant optimisation, image processing, mine planning... you name it. More than 200 industry challenges have already been addressed by the community. Get in touch to see details.

What kind of skills does the community have?

Data science, machine learning, geoscience, software development, hardware prototyping, IoT, blockchain, and augmented reality are just the beginning. The Unearthed community spans many disciplines and geographies and represents an incredible diversity of perspectives and capabilities. Curious about the skills or accomplishments of community members? Get in touch to see details of some of the crowd.

Can you run a competition in my city?

Probably. Unearthed events have been run in Buenos Aires, San Francisco, Toronto, Vancouver, Las Vegas, Denver, Cape Town, Perth, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, and more.  We work anywhere we can bring real opportunities to a community of talented innovators. Our online competitions are global in reach, typically involving participants from more than 20 countries.

Who owns the solutions?

A typical engagement results in an unrestricted license for industry, while ownership over core intellectual property remains with the innovator who creates the solution. This empowers innovators to develop their solutions further and bring meaningful new services and products to the market.

What challenges have been solved already?

The Unearthed community has addressed more than 200 challenges from energy and resources companies. To see detailed descriptions of the prototype technologies, algorithms, and solutions, get in touch.


How much does it cost?

Pricing depends on the nature of the challenge you want to solve, and whether you want to engage the community in person or online. Well-scoped competitions typically return many times their cost in efficiency and productivity gains. Get in touch for a details.


Are you ready?

Solve your challenges with the largest community of developers, data scientists, and startups driving change in the energy and resources industry.


Let's get started