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Unearthed, a leading facilitator of open innovation in the resources sector, is pleased to announce the launch of the latest
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Unearthed is excited to announce that ten diverse startups with transformative technologies have accepted a place in the "BUILD" phase of their Accelerator Program that commenced with a founder alignment workshop and launch party on Tuesday 2 October 2018 in Brisbane.
The Unearthed Accelerator is a mentor-driven program supported by Origin Energy and Advance Queensland that connects startups to industry customers and over fifty mentors and advisors, while helping founders to achieve their entrepreneurial vision.
Split into two twelve-week phases: "BUILD" and "SCALE", phase one of the Accelerator, running from October to December 2018 at the Queensland Government's innovation hub The Precinct, is a flexible program that will provide participating startups with much needed access to industry to understand the customer, validate the problem, build an MVP and co-develop solutions for impact with real customers.
The ten startups aim to become part of the $1 trillion economic impact that the energy and resources sector is facing from digital transformation over the next decade.
Seven teams from Queensland, including Mackay, Sunshine Coast and Brisbane, have joined three teams who have moved to Queensland from Sydney, Perth and Silicon Valley for the program. The ten resources technology startup that comprise the 2018 Unearthed Accelerator "BUILD" cohort are:
Active Adrenalin - increasing the safety, resilience and performance of individuals within the resources sector through technology and neuroscience;
GOJII - driving improved professional development outcomes for people in the resources sector;
miiFile - enabling a single source of truth for critical documents used by resources companies;
Quantum Geology - increasing efficiency and success of gold exploration through artificial intelligence;
Riskloop - enabling resource companies to leverage market sentiment to shape their reputation;
SeePilot - improving workplace safety and productivity through spatial communication enabling workers to build 360° virtual worksites;
siteoffice.mobi - delivering simplicity, efficiency and sustainability in construction and infrastructure project management;
SKY GROW - enhancing sustainable land rehabilitation through autonomous tree planting;
SnapSupport - enabling end-to-end collaboration and interactive support to customers and remote field teams through virtual tools;
Universal Field Robots - delivering safer work, excellent results and maximum value for resources customers through autonomous field robots.
SeePilot CEO and Co-founder James Tibbett says that SeePilot was very excited to apply for the Unearthed Accelerator, as it comes from the resources industry, just like their team.
Unearthed brings together a collection of experienced entrepreneurs and professionals who are focused on helping startups to solve industry problems. This network of mentors is an asset to startups like ours and we are excited to work with them to improve our business,” said Tibbett.
Through the Accelerator, Unearthed aims to introduce 50 new startups to the sector in five years.
Times have changed whereby startups can now choose from a variety of programs to help them build, grow and scale. However, not enough programs bring customers along on the journey,” said Accelerator General Manager, David Camerlengo. The Unearthed Accelerator provides the skills, funding and more importantly access to the huge market of resources customers to maximise startup success,” he said.
The program will equally help industry partners, such as Origin to access gains in efficiency and competitiveness through the adoption of these innovative technologies and processes.
Disruption from technology is coming faster than any one business can address on its own. Collaboration must become the new norm. Through our involvement in the Unearthed Accelerator we have the opportunity to shape and be a part of those changes that will affect our industry and have access to new, inquiring minds, new technology and new ways of working as soon as it becomes available,” said Origin General Manager, Strategy Execution, Felicity Underhill.
Innovation Minister Kate Jones said the Unearthed Accelerator would help drive technological innovation in the resources sector while solidifying Queensland’s reputation as a centre of excellence in Mining Equipment Technology and Services (METS).
Innovation in this sector is vitally important for Queensland’s future. That’s why we need to support programs like the Unearthed Accelerator that focus on the use of virtual reality, artificial intelligence and robotics to make Queensland’s energy and resources industry safer, more sustainable and economically viable, which will help attract additional investment to the state. This is an outstanding opportunity for Queensland innovators – Origin are giving direct access to their staff, systems and data to help foster great ideas in the resources sector,” said Minister Jones.
Unearthed was blown away by the exceptional standard of the startups who applied for the Accelerator this year.
We are impressed and humbled by the calibre and diversity of the technologies these startups will introduce to the energy and resources sector through the Accelerator. It will be a great privilege to assist these founders," said Unearthed Director Justin Strharsky.
Phase two of the Accelerator, running from January to April 2019, is an intensive full-time program for startups seeking the skills and capabilities to Go-To-Market and scale a viable and sustainable business in the resources sector.
Applications for the Accelerator "SCALE" phase will open on 1 October 2018. Register your interest: https://unearthed.solutions/accelerator-announcements.